Businesses and multinational organizations have high demand for international and professional legal advice on their global and cross-border activities. Our firm has an international approach. It will help you and your firm to navigate safely through the German and internatinal legal framework. Whether you are an established company or a a start-up, we are your partner for success.

Meet the challenges of the global tax environment with confidence and a strong partner on your side. As experienced advisers we create new values for your firm. We develop and refine your tax strategy, introduce new processes and workflows that unlock the fullpotential of your firm and offer you innovative tax solutions

Final losses and no end! Current ruling of the ECJ in the case C-538/20
The ECJ has recently ruled in the case C -538/20, 22.09.2022 on the question of the deductibility of final foreign losses. We inform you about the case we represented before the ECJ.
Contractual penalties subject to VAT? News from the ECJ
In a recent decision (Case C-90/20, Apcoa Parking Danmark A/S, ECJ, judgment of 20.01.2022), the ECJ had to deal with the VAT treatment of a so-called "control fee", i.e. a fine (under private law) that is incurred for the use of a parking space in breach of contract. In the opinion of the ECJ, this is a consideration subject to VAT. The ECJ's decision has considerable significance beyond the specific case and may lead to a reassessment of the VAT treatment of contractual penalties.
New Letter on the VAT Treatment of Transactions on Weight Accounts by the Federal Ministry of Finance
In its letter dated 17.01.2022 - III C 2 -S 7100/19/10002 :002, the Federal Ministry of Finance has fortunately issued a statement on the VAT treatment of transactions on weight accounts. This letter provides a significant clarification. At the same time, the practical application of the cases concerned is facilitated.
New edition of the standard workbook on Tax Compliance published!
The second edition of the standard work on tax compliance Niemann/Dodos, Tax Compliance Management System has been published and is available for purchase.
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